Chemical- and Bio-Engineering
Chemical- and bio-engineers, for example, deal with questions from a wide variety of scientific and technical fields: "How does an internal combustion engine actually convert gasoline into mechanical energy?" "Isn't an electric motor more efficient?" "How can a machine produce medicines from chemicals, or even fertilizers, cosmetics, paints, plastics, food, etc.?"
For Chemical- and Bio-engineers, the motivation lies in their work to preserve life, protect the environment, and meaningfully research, develop, and improve systems.Renewable Energy Engineering
The study program deals with technical solutions for the use of renewable energies, drawing on content and methods from the natural sciences and engineering. The course covers the entire spectrum of renewable energies: Biomass, hydropower and ocean current energy, wind, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, fuel cells and hydrogen economy.
Automotive Engineering
Vehicles and their drives fascinate and inspire you? - The automobile guarantees the individual mobility of people and goods. That's why it has to be constantly adapted to changing conditions through innovation. The current focus is increasingly on drive technology and vehicle networking. The focus of the course is the motor vehicle with all the basics and subsidiaries that are necessary for its understanding. This makes this program unique in Germany.
Mechanical Engineering
We can no longer imagine life without machines. Are you interested in why and how they work and would like to help shape our technological everyday and working world? Then studying mechanical engineering is the right choice for you! At the technology location Stuttgart, one of the largest teaching offers in Germany is open to you, which also includes current topics such as digitalization and Industry 4.0. You will learn to understand, research and develop yourself creative technical solutions.
Autonomous and mobile robots, networked machine tools, intelligent motor vehicles or medical devices - many technical achievements of our modern world are inconceivable without the optimal interaction of mechanics, electrics and information technology. Are you interested in complex technical systems and do you have the will to "bring them to life"? Then you are in very good hands in the mechatronics degree program.
Medical Engineering
The Bachelor's program in Medical Engineering is offered by the University of Stuttgart and the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. This combines the core competencies of two renowned universities - medicine and engineering - thus guaranteeing excellent education in the field of medical engineering with access to facilities such as libraries, experimental OR and laboratories at both locations.
In just a few decades, research has made incredible progress in the field of technical biology: from the discovery of the genetic code to global ecosystem analyses. Current research questions from the broad spectrum of natural sciences and engineering also shape the teaching in the Technical Biology program, which incorporates technical aspects from a scientific-biological perspective and works closely with engineers and computer scientists.
Engineering Cybernetics
Engineering Cybernetics deals with the mathematical modeling, simulation and control of complex dynamic systems. If you enjoy mathematics and are interested in engineering and natural sciences, then cybernetics at the University of Stuttgart is the right choice for you. You can expect a method-oriented, interdisciplinary and excellently networked course of study, whose graduates are equally in demand in business, industry and science.
Technology Management
The interdisciplinary Technology Management program combines about 75 percent engineering skills with about 25 percent basic business knowledge. In this way, the program meets industry's demand for engineers who can demonstrate not only engineering expertise, but also business knowledge. Graduates thus have the opportunity to build a bridge between technical and business management areas in companies.
Is it possible for me to do that?
Yes, studying with us is challenging. Many who shy away from mathematics or physics should know: With effort, determination and perseverance, (almost) anything is possible! Studying also means learning how to learn. This gives you a good foundation for a professional life characterized by independent, well-founded work.
Which study program is right for me?
There are various ways to find out. In addition to the tried-and-tested technology-specific online tests, you can also get valuable recommendations from more general survey questionnaires, such as those on the website was-studiere-ich.de. To complement this, there are personality tests and strengths-based surveys that can help you determine your inclinations and abilities, or simply get confirmation of them.
Take advantage of counselling offers
The concentrated, various offers of the study programs, the Central Student Advisory Service and the MINT Center of the University in the form of lectures, events, workshops, introductory lectures and preparatory courses will help you to find out which study program is the right one for you.
More information and further links to the offers for prospective students
Do a pre-internship
If your desired degree program requires or recommends a pre-study internship, do everything you can to complete it as early as possible. This will give you a personal impression of what the work content and processes are like in this field and where you can best contribute.
Choose courageously - and stay flexible!
With a degree program in mechanical engineering in Stuttgart, you are flexibly positioned. Thanks to our interdisciplinary, networked structure, it is possible to change to another, closely related course of study. If, during your studies, you discover that your chosen field of study does not quite match your interests, or if an "emergency" arises in the form of a loss of examination entitlement, you can change to a related course of study that may be better suited to your abilities. If you wish to change, please contact our Mechanical Engineering Office or the program managers of the degree programs for advice as early as possible.

Guidance during your studies
Competent advisors are available to our students for various concerns during their daily study routine. The Mechanical Engineering Center is a central contact point for mechanical engineering in Stuttgart. It provides general advice on all of our courses of study and supports students with questions regarding the organization of examinations and changing courses of study. Our International Service Point (ISP) provides advice on studying abroad. The study program management is responsible for coordinative and organizational matters of a study program and answers concerns about the study organization or structure. For subject-specific matters, our subject advisors are there to help. In addition, the Student Counceling Center (ZSB) of the University of Stuttgart provides our students with an independent advisory service.
Team of the Mechanical Engineering Center

Christine dos Santos Costa
Dipl.-Ing.Leiterin Studienbüro Maschinenbau

Julia Lier
Studienbüro Maschinenbau

Esmeralda Compagna
M.A.Coordinator International Service Point