
Das PZS forscht und entwickelt gemeinsam mit zahlreichen internationalen Partnern. Die Zusammenarbeit mit europäischen, chinesischen, amerikanischen Universitäten bringt für die Studierenden einen hohen Mehrwert.

Das PZS pflegt internationale Kooperationen mit Universitäten in Shanghai, Cluj-Napoca und Atlanta City, Georgia.

Technical University Cluj-Napoca

The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, an "Advanced Research and Education University"  is a tertiary educational institution having both tradition and national and international recognition.

Shanghai University

Immersed in the distinguished heritage and pioneering track record in a leading global city, Shanghai University is situated in the heart of Shanghai. We combine educational achievement with forward-looking courses, attuned to the latest city developments in science, technology and culture.


The Georgia Institute of Technology is a leading research university committed to improving the human condition through advanced science and technology.

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