- Machining Processes for Lightweight Materials
- Lightweight Manufacturing Machines
- Lightweight Components
- Lightweight Production Materials
- Subsystems, -structures for Lightweight Construction
- Composite and Hybrid Materials
- Wood, Wood-based Materials
- Plastics
- Metal
- Ceramics
- Textile/Fabrics
- Classical Processes
- Non-conventional Processes
- Hybrid Processes
- Photonic Engineering
- Additive Manufacturing
- Highly Dynamic Systems
- Soft Structures (Resource Efficiency)
- Function Integration, Control, Functionality
- Subsystems, -structures for Lightweight Construction
- Flexible Added-Value Systems
- Development of Resource-efficient Machines and Production Means
- Planning of Resource-efficient Production Systems
- Resource-efficient Operation of Production Systems
- Efficient Design of Machines up to the Physical Limit
- Energy Storage
- Energy Recovery (Recuperation)
- Industrial Smart Grids
- Resource-efficient Products
- Cyber-physical Systems
- Internet, Plug-in, Cloud Computing
- Machine-Tool Communication
- Condition Monitoring through Sensors
- Autonomy of Machines
- Automated Maintenance
- Control Technology and Automated Driverless Transport Systems
- Scale-independent non-destructive measurement technology
- Optimization of in-house logistics
- Order Management and Lean Management / Indirect
- Development of Driverless Transport Systems
- Logistics Simulation
- Planning of Logistics Systems
- Picking
Research Contact

Rainer Gadow
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h. c. mult.Vice Managing Director