Since many current research projects require characterization and modeling from the micro- to the nanoscale, access to a wide variety of methods, some of which are complementary, is essential. By pooling the instrumental, methodological, and technical expertise of various scientists at the University of Stuttgart, who are conducting research on bio/material science issues and characterization methods, AMICA strengthens interdisciplinary collaboration and provides support through state-of-the-art infrastructure and methodological expertise.
AMICA Members
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Dressel
Research at the 1. Physikalisches Institut at Universität Stuttgart is devoted to the exploration, description and understanding of novel materials with interesting electronic, magnetic and optical properties. We focus on systems for which electronic correlations (i.e. the interaction among electrons) lead to significant effects. In a bottom-up approach, we want to tailor matter on a molecular and structural level in order to achieve the desired properties and functionalities for certain applications as a long-term goal. In order to be successful we cultivate close collaborations with colleagues from chemistry, materials sciences, experimental and theoretical physics all over the world. In this joint effort we utilize a variety of spectroscopic methods that allow us to extract relevant information, but also improve them and push their limits.
Particular topics are:
- Fundamental questions such as quantum correlations in tailored matter, quantum phase transitions, superconductivity, Dirac- and Weyl-semimetals
- Low-energy electrodynamics of correlated electron systems
- Interplay of charge, spin, orbital and structural degrees of freedom, in particular close to charge and magnetic frustration.
- Quantum spin liquids and quantum electric dipoles in frustrated geometries
- Ordering phenomena in low-dimensional organic conductors, in particular charge order and electronic ferroelectricity, charge-order-driven superconductivity.
- Optical properties of metallic nanostructures.
1. Physikalisches Institut
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Kern
Institute for Manufacturing Technologies of Ceramic Components and Composites
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c Guido Schmitz
Institute of Materials Science - Materials Physics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sven Simon
For years, the Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems has worked with computed tomography (CAT) to analyze materials and extract simulation models for various application issues. For the recorded 3D voxel-data, we use specific software, for example a program for improved high-resolution written at the institute and waiting to be patented. A reconstruction software, which will create higher pixel resolution and contrast, is being developed for future use.
Institute of Computer Architecture and Computer Engineering, Compuational Imaging Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Steeb
At the Institute for Applied Mechanics, we examine linked hydro-mechanical phenomena in porous media on different scales. On the macroscopic scale, models that describe realistic attenuation behavior on the basis of the mixing-theory or the thermo-dynamic secure theories of porous media respectively, are developed and dynamic wave-expansion-phenomena in poroelastic media with two or three phases are researched. Especially the consideration of the mesoscopic heterogeneities, partial saturation aspects, and the pressure diffusion in cracks with large aspect ratios are in the focus of research. As part of numeric homogenization methods, new multi-scale models based on advanced Hill-Mandel conditions are developed. The numeric application of such models takes place within the scope of strongly paired finite element methods. Experimental research of the spread of ultra sound in dry and saturated granular media as well as partially saturated storage rock under multidirectional stress conditions compliment theoretical and numerical works. Pore space dissolved viscoelastic wave propagation simulations based on real data (µ CT-data of storage rocks and highly porous foams) to identify higher wave modes supplement these studies. For the characterization of samples, the research group has access to an ‘open’ high-resolution X-ray tomograph (resolutions up to approx. 10-6m/voxel). This allows for “in-situ” physical experiments in X-ray tomographs. When studying synchrotron facilities, complex current processes (multi-phase-currents) in sand stones were also researched. An X-ray transparent high-pressure cell, which can be used for cell pressures up to approx. 20 MPa and temperatures up to 250⁰C, was developed and is readily available for studies.
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Weihe
In the areas of micro-structure-mechanics and lifetime analysis, the Institute for Material Testing already combines experimental methods with calculated multi-scaling methods. This concept is to be advanced in the Stuttgart Research Focus across disciplines. Utilizing the existing infrastructures - and therefore the collaboration of several scientists from various fields - builds new bridges which will promote new ideas and experiences. This intensive exchange of multiple tasks, approaches, and methods creates a strong innovational drive for this field of research at the University of Stuttgart and its partners.
Materials Testing Institute University of Stuttgart
Institute for Materials Testing, Materials Science and Strength of Materials
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ingrid Weiß
The IBBS and the cross-faculty network “Project NanoBioMater” at the University of Stuttgart already researches self-assembling and hierarchic materials for the application in technology and biology, where biological interfaces will be put more into focus in the future. Biomechanics of all length scales, multi-functionality, and so-called “Hard/Soft-Interfaces” form the basis for current issues in the field of technologically oriented biology and the material research. New methodical developments in the areas of high-resolution structural research on solid, liquid or gaseous aqueous systems speed up today’s fast - paced knowledge gain in all areas of biomaterials. Therefore, the SRF is to be provided with complementary scanning electrons microscope methods for hydrous organic samples as well as the necessary know-how for the preparation of samples of biological materials. The goal is to thoroughly characterize biological interfaces and their dynamic behavior towards solid materials under realistic conditions - from molecule to the organism, i.e. their components such as Biosensors - regarding texture as well as the composition of components, utilizing high-resolution images of local areas. We furthermore offer biomaterial - specific consultations ranging from preparation all the way to analyzing the data. This serves as a solid starting point for multi functionality as well as the long-life-stability of bio-based systems essential for both biomedical and technical applications.