The 3R-US team joining the 3R Network BW in Heidelberg

19. Juni 2023

The second 3R conference in Baden-Württemberg brought together national and international researchers focusing on the 3R principles and beyond

The 3R-Network in Baden-Württemberg had its annual conference on the 16th and 16th of June in Heidelberg, organised by the partners located at the Heidelberg University and the Heidelberg University Hospital, as well as at the Central Institute of Mental Health (ZI) in Mannheim. The meeting program spanned not only the classical 3R (Reduce, Replace and Refine) topics regarding animal experimentation, but also brought into focus the notion of the 6Rs (adding Responsibility, Respect and Reproducibility to the table).

The 3R-US team was present, with representatives both on the University of Stuttgart side, and also on the side of our clinical partners from the Robert Bosch Hospital. The coordinator, Prof. Olayioye, gave a talk to summarize the progress and success of the 3R-US network, and to introduce the vision for the 3Rs in Stuttgart, starting with the creation of the Stuttgart Research Initiative 3R-BioMedicUS. Going in depth into the research results, the three PhD students presented their work. Julia Thiel, the doctoral student hosted at the Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch-Institute of Clinical Pharmacology (IKP) gave a flash talk, while Stella Asmanidou, hosted at the Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology, and Kai Hirzel, hosted at the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Systems, prepared posters. To find out more about our research, check out our webpage!

The conference was a great oportunity to network and bring awareness to the relevance of 3R research in Baden Württemberg and beyond.

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