Members of the Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology and some of their partners and collaborators met for a 3-day retreat in Löwenstein
Our 3R-BioMedicUS PhD students were giving exciting updates! Stella Asmanidou (Olayioye lab, IZI, University of Stuttgart) and Julia Thiel (Dong/Aulitzky lab, IKP, Robert Bosch Hospital) were presenting their latest work on the primary and bioprinted tissue models developed for cancer research and drug testing. Marie Fagotto-Kaufmann (Ehrlich lab, IBBS, University of Stuttgart) was giving a talk on the applications of complex organotypic slice cultures of the hippocampus (“brain-in-a-dish”) to study learning and memory. Ann-Kathrin Löffler (Kontermann lab, IZI, University of Stuttgart) presented her progress on the development of novel antibody-based therapeutic approaches in a poster and flash talk.
We are thankful to the organization of this wonderful event for giving us the opportunity to share our results, get valuable feedback and exchange knowledge.