15th IZI Conference - Changing the Paradigm: Novel Technologies in Molecular Biology meet Cancer Therapy

19. September 2024

3R-BioMedicUS was the focus of the session “From concept to creation” at the 15th Conference of the Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology of the University of Stuttgart.

Members of the Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology and some of their partners and collaborators met for a 3-day retreat in Löwenstein

Our 3R-BioMedicUS PhD students were giving exciting updates! Stella Asmanidou (Olayioye lab, IZI, University of Stuttgart) and Julia Thiel (Dong/Aulitzky lab, IKP, Robert Bosch Hospital) were presenting their latest work on the primary and bioprinted tissue models developed for cancer research and drug testing. Marie Fagotto-Kaufmann (Ehrlich lab, IBBS, University of Stuttgart) was giving a talk on the applications of complex organotypic slice cultures of the hippocampus (“brain-in-a-dish”) to study learning and memory. Ann-Kathrin Löffler (Kontermann lab, IZI, University of Stuttgart) presented her progress on the development of novel antibody-based therapeutic approaches in a poster and flash talk.

We are thankful to the organization of this wonderful event for giving us the opportunity to share our results, get valuable feedback and exchange knowledge.

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